I think that it is difficult for musicians chose only one ''favorite music'', because always we can discover new interesting things in all music. However, I believe that I have musical preference for two especific things: jazz and modal harmony (this is a particular type of harmony when ''color'' of sound is more important than functional and tonal relationship. It was use in modern music like french impressionists: Debussy, Satie, Ravel, etc). Maybe a good example that mix modal harmony with jazz could be the album Kind of Blue (Miles Davis).

I was sixteen years old the first time that I heard Kind of Blue. In this moment I considered it boring, because I didn't understand jazz languaje and neither knew about harmony. But, thanks to my instrument teacher, I began approach and value this music... today, I love it.

At this year, I am studying and playing in a workshop about this album (the first of june I will playing this music in ''Thelonious Club de Jazz'', everyone is invited). This is a very good experience for me, because Kind of Blues changed the form to do jazz in sixties. The study of this music helps me to understand modern jazz.

There is a picture of my own transcription of Kind of Blue.


  1. Hi Felo! I also love the Kind of Blue, it never gets old. Regards!

  2. It's remarkable the capacity for approch to enjoy music and other arts. First time you didn't like the Album, and now you're fan. The emotions, the brain, the neuronal plasticity... it's so amazing think about the capacity of learn to enjoy some arts.


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