In my personal opinion, I consider that english is very important because in global world the people break the country limit with this language. As well as, when anyone has to travel for work or vacations to other country, the english could be a very good tool to communicate with other people. To be honest, along my life the english has been difficult for me. I tried to learn in different times, but I don't manage yet. However, I am going to trying until that I can speak and understand english in a good level. For this reason doing blogs help me a lot to practice, in especial writing and vocabulary. I don't know how much improve my english writing, but I feel a lot of confortable when I have to create a text in this language. Doing a blog all weeks is a very good exercise. In general, anyone study more speak than write, but I considered it very important both. In the future I would like to write about more music topics. For example, doing an music analysis ...
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019
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I'm going to talk to you about my favorite place in Santiago. When I was sixteen or seventeen years old, I loved to walk for many places and watched the architecture. I remember that two of my favorite places was ''huerfanos'' with ''almirante barroso'' street and ''san diego'' with ''santa isabel'' street because there are two beautiful buildings, both are church. I'm not religious, but the art in these structures captivated me. I think that I like this king of things because when I traveled to Europe three years ago, I was surprised with their architecture. However, for be honest, I don't visit this places since many months. Today, the place that I ussually visit for having fun or being relaxed is ''Thelonious, lugar de jazz''. This is a famous club of jazz in ''bellavista'' neighborhood. I visited for the first time two years ago. I went with my cousin. I remember...
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The curriculum of Teoría de la música have differents disciplinary subjetcs, as music performance (especially piano), creation, teaching and investigation. I like almost all, but one subjetc that shared a lot of important ideas for me was Culturas Musicales. This subjetc is about problems of music in especific culture and context, like differents countries of Latino América as nations-states in nineteen and twenty century, contemporany conflict in Araucanía and music in mapuche worl view, music and technology in global world, among others. In this subject I lived one of the most significant experiences in my student life. Close the Camilo Catrillanca died, we was visited Elisa Loncon Antileo. She is a doctor of linguistic and mapuche activist. She went to the class for shared with our a few of mapuche culture. She taught our mapudungun words, showed our music instruments of mapuches and their uses and talked our about the life and conflict in Araucanía. It was a lot of intense. O...