The curriculum of Teoría de la música have differents disciplinary subjetcs, as music performance (especially piano), creation, teaching and investigation. I like almost all, but one subjetc that shared a lot of important ideas for me was Culturas Musicales.

This subjetc is about problems of music in especific culture and context, like differents countries of Latino América as nations-states in nineteen and twenty century, contemporany conflict in Araucanía and music in mapuche worl view, music and technology in global world, among others.

In this subject I lived one of the most significant experiences in my student life. Close the Camilo Catrillanca died, we was visited Elisa Loncon Antileo. She is a doctor of linguistic and mapuche activist. She went to the class for shared with our a few of mapuche culture. She taught our mapudungun words, showed our music instruments of mapuches and their uses and talked our about the life and conflict in Araucanía. It was a lot of intense.

Other interesting think about this subjetc was bibliography. We had to read a lot of musicology, history and anthropology.


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