Today, I am going to talk to you about my favorite book.

For be honest, I am not a fanatic of literature and expert neither. I prefer read essay. But, there is a specific kind of literature that I love it: dystopian genre, especially classic dystopian books like 1984 of Orwell, Fahrenheit 451 of Bradbury and Brave New World of Huxley.

This trilogy created the archetype of dystopian novel. Their topics are about a possible future where, thanks to bad use of technology, politics and economy, the human world will change into horrible place as dictatorship and war. The idea to write about this is that we can reflect on problems of contemporany world.

All books aforementioned are awesome, but in my personal opinion the best is Brave New World. I really like this novel because shows a dystopian future where don't govern the militar society that use fear as a control method. Huxley shows a world where the government use the pleasure like repression. The people of this fiction future have important dose of different incentive like drugs, and trash banal information. This incentives do that the people don´t want to read an learn the culture things. In others words, the people are a flock.


  1. Dystopian genre is really cool, I read that book the last year and I like it!

  2. Books like that, with dystopian gendre are so interesting, like Fahrenheit 451, I would like to read Brave new world soon.


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