My favorite website related with my especific carrer is '' www. teoria.com ''. This website has four different sections. The first is a basic music theory tutorials, you can learn how to read music, intervals, scales, chords, harmonic funtions and different musical forms. The second section contain exercises of ear training and music theory, like intervals (melodic and harmonic ; close and open), chords (triads, chord inversion, seventh chords, extended chords and harmonic progressions) and rythmic and melodic dictation (all exercises have differents difficulty). The third is a big index with all conceps used for website in alphabetic order. Finally, teoría.com has different articles uploaded for users. The last section is very interesting because you can find a lot of analysis and essay about music on it. For be honest, in general the website is very basic (it necessary consider that it is a free website). However, teoria.com can be a big help to any music student b...